We’ve reached the time of year where many are anxious for Spring to begin! Here are a few simple tips to start preparing for Spring that will hopefully make you feel that the end of the cold months is near.
Wash Windows and Freshen up Window Treatments
Windows are at the forefront of winter weather. As such, they could use a cleaning on both the inside and outside. Another simple way to freshen up your home is to wash or dry clean your current draperies, or take it one step further and swap heavy draperies for light and airy sheers
Clear Your Gutters
Dirty gutters are both an eyesore and a liability. Clear gutters using a ladder, a small hand rake, and a hose, to prevent flooding during spring rains.
Repair Roof Damage

We tend to accumulate a lot over the colder months, which we may not realize. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start with a room-by-room plan to break things down. Not everything has to be done in one day or weekend!
Surprised by the number of things you are getting rid of? Consider a bin rental to make your life easier. Simply call to have one delivered, load it up and call for the pick-up. This will save you lots of time you would have spent making multiple trips to a transfer station.
Check out our Spring Cleaning Schedule, which has a 4 week challenge to help you achieve all of your de-cluttering goals!
Refresh Textiles
This is a simple way to brighten-up your home after a long and dark winter. Fresh and bright colours that compliment your existing colour scheme will bring a new life to your home. If replacing duvet covers, throws and/or pillows isn’t in your budget, opt instead for a deep clean of existing textiles. Simply removing any dust or residue will freshen up a space significantly.
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